Widmer Equestrian Pony Club & Mini Saddle Club
Our Mini Saddle Club is aimed at our 4 to 7 year olds who are enthusiastic to learn even more about horses and ponies . The sessions comprise of 30mins stable management and a 30mins group lesson. These currently run on a Saturday at 10am and riders need to be riding off the lead rein in walk and trot NOT CURRENTLY RUNNING
Our Pony Club is aimed at our slightly older riders, 7 up to 21. These sessions are on a Saturday 11am ( bronze) and Sundays at 9am to 11am ( Silver and Bronze combined ) / 2pm to 4pm (Gold ) and comprise of 1hr stable management and a 1 hour group riding lesson.
Both Minis and Club riders work in and around the yard learning that there is more to horses then just turning up for riding. We teach them about mucking out, grooming, tack cleaning, rugging up, feeding, pasture management and much more. They work through their mini and full badges plus exams (exams exclude minis). Badges can be worn on their logo-ed Widmer Pony Club jumpers (purchasable from Widmer Feeds). Membership to the Pony Club ‘Centre’ is now compulsory to attend these sessions and they will need a small grooming kit -available at Widmer Feeds. A Trail session without membership can be arranged by emailing Jenny widmerec@hotmail.co.uk. Please drop Alice an email for uniform and grooming kits alice@widmer.co.uk
We will need to see you ride first so we can assess which will be the best session for you to join. Let your instructor know you would like to be assessed.
If you would like to become a member please follow the link to the membership forms https://pcuk.org/join-us/
If you would like at all the badge dates and rally coming up please check out the online calendar