
Jamey joined Widmer in 2016 and has been an integral part of the expansion of the riding school . He teaches the full range of lessons we have to offer here at Widmer. He is also available to teach you on your own horse on a 1-2-1 basis or in one of his evening weekday clinics. His calm professional approach works for all levels and capabilities of horses and riders .

Jamey runs the on site Pony Club and regularly arranges badges and events for our members. He can help riders prepare for their BHS stage exams , GCSE PE exams, mounted police exams, even Brownie badges!

A bit about your coach ~
Jamey Tyler BHSII has a wealth of knowledge in show jumping, dressage and showing. Jamey has trained and competed his own horse to advance medium and competed clients horses up to PSG. He has trained and worked for some of the best dressage riders and coaches we have such as : Jade Derby, Roger Gregory, Kim Ratcliff, Mark Ruddock , Sean Burgess and Olympic silver medallist Spencer Wilton .
Jamey has competed BSJA up to Foxhunter under the coaching of former UK team chef d’equipe Corrien Bracken.
A starting career in showing that has moved through various disciplines picking up knowledge and experience that is of great benefit to horse and rider.
Jamey Tyler now offers clinics in gymnastics, show-jumping and dressage here at Widmer Equestrian Centre where he is also able to offer schooling livery.